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(704) 978-7060

1316 Davie Ave, Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561

Implant Supported Dentures
Statesville, NC

Elderly woman enjoying her new smile at Jon C. Packman DDS in Statesville, NC 28677-3561Though a relatively new procedure, this restorative dental procedure has become quite popular over recent years for those patients in need of dentures or artificial teeth. While some patients struggle admitting they need dentures because of neglecting their teeth, this new procedure can decrease the anxiety surrounding denture placement. Please come see us at Jon C. Packman DDS to discuss whether this is a possible solution for you.

What is Involved in the All-on-4?

For those patients who were told they were not good candidates for dentures because of bone mass concerns, this is the perfect solution. Because the implants are not embedded vertically but rather at an angle, only four implants are needed, meaning less bone structure is needed for fusion to occur. The minimal use of implants also cuts down on the amount of time necessary to complete the process.
Nobel Biocare developed this revolutionary restorative procedure allowing permanent implant solutions to be quickly placed, increasing efficiency and effectiveness. In a single office visit, patients can have their implants placed, leaving our office with a full set of teeth. By cutting down the number of appointments necessary, it saves money and time for our patients and increases office efficiency.

Benefits for the All-on-4 Treatment Concept

Our staff provides the All-on-4 Treatment as an option because in as little as a few hours, the entire procedure can be completed. In one appointment, we can take care of extracting the damaged or decayed teeth, cleaning away the bacteria from the soft gum tissue, and then the implant placement, all of which just takes a few hours.

Another benefit is the fact that while many patients require jawbone augmentation, this procedure does not need it to be effective. This makes it a far more reasonably priced alternative and comes with a lifetime guarantee to everyone who chooses to have it done. It instantly restores lost jaw function and the facial appearance of the patient. With tooth loss, the underlying support which holds cheeks and lips in place is lost. With the All-on-4 procedure it normalizes the patient’s appearance.

Who Needs the All-on-4 Treatment?

Whether the patient has lost all of their teeth or are planning on having the remaining natural teeth removed, this procedure is the solution to help their oral health. Even if they have been told they were not able to get implants because of diminished bone mass or if other treatment options were not viable. The All-on-4 concept can successfully restore lost teeth and jaw function while keeping costs low. Some patients have a high level of discomfort with the clunky traditional dentures because they do not fit properly but with this treatment that will not happen. They will fit properly and provide a life-long treatment option.

Here at Jon C. Packman DDS we can discuss the details about this revolutionary restorative dental procedure and determine if it is the right option for you. Simple and quick, this procedure can not only restore lost functionality of the teeth and jaw but also the patient’s facial appearance. If you have questions about the procedure, please call our team at (704) 978-7060.


(704) 978-7060


Monday–Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
CLOSED from 12:30p.m.–2p.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m.


Jon C. Packman DDS
1316 Davie Ave Suite A
Statesville, NC 28677-3561
Jon C. Packman DDS | | (704) 978-7060
1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677
Copyright © 2017-2025 Jon C. Packman DDS and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Implant Supported Dentures • Statesville, NC • Jon C. Packman, DDS
Come see us at Jon C. Packman DDS to discuss whether implant supported dentures is a possible solution for you!
Jon C. Packman DDS, 1316 Davie Ave Suite A, Statesville, NC 28677 ^ (704) 978-7060 ^ ^ 1/26/2025 ^ Related Terms: dentist Statesville NC ^